Residential Property Solicitors

Number of lawyers in team: 37

Legal directory rankings: 9

Q&A with super prime residential property lawyers Ian Cooke and Sakhjit Randhawa, who joined as a team in 2019 from Charles Russell Speechlys

What alternative options did you consider before joining Keystone?

Ian: We had often talked about possibly starting our own law firm, but why start your own law firm when you could have a law firm within a law firm and all the support of a big international legal practice behind you, and a fantastic central office team too.

How did you find the move from a traditional law firm?

Ian: Part of it, in any move, is a leap of faith and there was a leap of faith going from a very traditional well-established City law practice into something as cutting edge as Keystone. But actually, what Keystone says it is on the tin, it really is in reality. It has been a fantastic move for us!

What facilities does your team have?

Sakhjit: We are operating from our own offices, which we decided would be better placed in the heart of Mayfair. Most of the deals that we do are around this area, and the clients absolutely love it.

How do you recruit for your team and how would you describe the support you get in doing this?

Ian: We have quite a big practice, which is too much for Sakhjit and I to run on our own, so we have been gradually building up our team. We are now eight people and have had a lot of support in the recruitment process from our central office colleagues. The quality of lawyer really matters for the sort of work that we are doing, and they have come up with some brilliant candidates. The integration process, as it was with us when we joined, has been seamless.

Do you work with other lawyers in the firm?

Sakhjit: We need different expertise across the board with our deals and our clients. We have great contacts within the firm who we work very closely with, and we have found here that we all gel together and work as a team. Each person is at the top of their game, so the clients are delighted as well.

How did your clients feel about your move? 

Ian: The clients feel the move is a great success actually. I think what they really appreciate is that we are not distracted any more by endless management meetings, committees and internal politics.

Have your earnings changed since you joined the firm?

Ian: We probably came here with around £2 billion worth of client instructions on our books, but that has grown since we arrived, and it is now close to £3 billion. I think that is because suddenly we have so much more time in our day to look after the clients and do the real work.

Has your life changed since moving to Keystone and if so, how?

Sakhjit: Our lives have changed significantly. We wake up and we want to be in the workplace. We feel excited and motivated.

Ian: If I am honest with you, I think I probably feel ten years younger being here.

What advice would you give to a Residential Property lawyer thinking of joining Keystone?

Ian: I would say, ask your questions, do your due diligence, but actually make that leap of faith because when we did it, we found that everything Keystone promised us was true.

Sakhjit: When I left my previous firm, somebody said to me: “Good luck to you, I hope you find your Nirvana, although you’ll never find that in the legal profession.” I can honestly say, I have found my Nirvana.

To watch a video interview with Ian Cooke and Sakhjit Randhawa, please click on the play button.